Shark Battle Game Challenge

How to Join Shark Battle Game Challenge
Do you want to merge into the new, gripping battle game and challenge your ability to be the most forth-thinking King Shark? We welcome you to our Shark Battle challenge. Play, think and close tiers. 

Announcement for Shark Battle 
  • Introduction 
  • The team and investors behind the SharkRace
  • How to join the Challenge? How to play?
  • Feedback contest and Twitter competition
  • The technology behind  
  • Reviews from first gamers
  • Join our Battle right now


As we’ve explained in our “Shark Battle overview article” Shark Battle is a furious life-and-death 2D battler for meta-sharks. 

It is a cross-platform strategical card-deck game that combines the dynamics of a classical arcade fighting game, the strategic complexity of collectible card game and MMORPG-like ability to boost your character.

The game is based on the 3 classes of characters aka deadly Sharks which differ in abilities such as attack, defence, plating as well as on a strategic combination of play cards in the hand of a player. More about shark characters in the article below.

To celebrate the first demo version we’ve launched a free Shark Battle Challenge!
Shark Battle challenge live now! New NFT game by Sharkrace
Shark Battle screenshot

The team and investors behind the SharkRace

We’re proud to say that the SharkRace team is global, decentralized, and multilingual. Our head office is in Lithuania and we have 25+ devs and marketing in-house, 2 game studios and 3 art companies working day and night so that you can get your hands on Shark Race and Sharks Battle games. 

With a number of very knowledgeable advisors and 35+ big-time backers behind this project, such as Shima Capital, AU21, Inazuma, SL2, Skyman, Seedify, Enjinstarter, OxBull, Synapse, OIG Capital and others, the SharkRace team is confident of success! 

How to join the Challenge? How to play?

You can join the Shark Battle Challenge from our web site or via the Direct link 

The rules are simple, yet competitive! You need to complete the Shark battle challenge saving the shark’s health (HP). Can you close at least one tier?
  • Tier 3 — save more than 45% of your HP
  • Tier 2 — save more than 60% of your HP
  • Tier 1 — save more than 80% of your HP
Shark battle challenge tiers | new nft game by Sharkrace
Shark Battle Challenge tiers

As mentioned above, the gameplay is based on deck-building mechanics. The participants play random hands of cards on a turn: set 3 waves of actions from 5 cards on a hand for a turn and see, who’s stronger and more lucky now!

Do you want to win?
The best way to do it is to carefully study sharks and cards.
We are going to give you a hint and then you can continue by yourself.

Choosing the sharks

Here you will look for:
  • Class of your shark — Core, Rocket and Titan (they differ with defence, attack and plating characteristics).
  • Type of your shark — in each class there are 8 sharks for now, they differ with characteristics.

Core Shark, Rocket Shark and Titan Shark from Shark Battle game by Sharkrace
Core Shark, Rocket Shark and Titan Shark

Titan sharks have the biggest amount of defense. It increases their HP — from 80 in “Vermilion” to 140 in “Frostbite”.
Vermilion Shark  from Shark Battle game by Sharkrace
Vermilion Shark

Frostbite Shark from Shark Battle game by Sharkrace
Frostbite Shark

Rocket sharks have the biggest amount of attack. It increases their HP — from 80 in “Silver bullet” to 140 in “Sandstorm”.

Silver Bullet Shark  from Shark Battle game by Sharkrace
Silver Bullet Shark

Sandstorm Shark from Shark Battle game by Sharkrace
Sandstorm Shark

Core sharks have the biggest amount of …. Do you think we would leave all the clues to you? No, you gotta find them for yourself. We will only say that core sharks are not so easy to understand, but that doesn’t make them less worthy.
Hope you got the point.

Choosing the cards

Okay, now let’s switch to the cards, we will leave them to you for study, but here are the main metrics you wanna look for in your card.

Obviously, there are the ones that affect your opponent and the ones that influence on you. Here is a scheme for you to dive deeper.
Cards explained from Shark Battle game by Sharkrace
Cards explained

Feedback contest and Twitter competition

To say thank you for our first testers and our community we’ve started 2 contests in socials: 

Feedback contest 

  • Leave your feedback in our SharkRace Discord channel “Battle challenge";
  • Share your opinion: what you like/dislike, what you suggest we do, etc.;
  • Apart from making our game better for yourself and the blockchain gaming community, you can win 1000 USDT.

Twitter competition 

Technology behind

No one can tell you better about the technology than the actual devs behind the Game creation:

We prefer native technologies to cross-platform engines for web development. We chose Phaser specifically as our technology is based on the strengths and expertise of our team.

Phaser is really the best compromise between low level and high level development tools that fits perfectly with our PIXI JS and WebGL rendering experience.

It allows us to have control in all areas of the development. Moreover, it allows us to be as transparent as possible to the programmers, but it also reduces unnecessary development overhead where possible.

Reviews from the first gamers 

Remember that you can get money for your feedback. 
First reviews from our player for you 🔽

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player
SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

SharkRace Battle Reviews from our Player

We also tried Shark Battle Challenge inside our team and here are their reviews 🔽 

P.S. The process got pretty competitive.
For guys who will play for the first time for sure will be difficult to do 80%, after all, you have to understand what you’re doing and what they can do against you.
Shark Community manager @vankitchen aka Max

It’s one of the first times I’ve won something. Gotta be attentive to win. 
Shark Marketing Lead Jane 

Played the new build, completely passed the challenge on the second try. It was fun! For sport interest tried to pass the event without losing health at all, as it was originally intended. On the first time so, of course, do not pass, luck with the cards and picking a strategy decide. It turned out like the seventh. 
Shark Community manager @m2l2kopower aka Alex 


Okay, here it is, just click here to join the challenge.